SEC bungles service on Craig Grant in Jamaica

The SEC has revealed it bungled service on BitConnect defendant Craig Grant.

Owing to Craig Grant fleeing the US in mid 2021, the SEC had to track him down in Jamaica to effect service.

This saw the regulator employ “an independent investigative firm” to locate Grant.

To that end on October 8th, the SEC revealed it had tracked Grant down at an address in Spanish Town.

A process server was hired and Grant was served at this address on October 29th.

Just one problem though, the SEC had the wrong Craig Grant.

As revealed in a December 2nd filing, the SEC writes;

On November 30, 2021, the Commission received correspondence from an attorney in Jamaica, advising that his client, the individual on whom service was effected at the address listed on the Amended Summons, is not the named Defendant Grant in this action, but a different individual with the same first and last name, middle initial, and approximate age.

The Commission is undertaking efforts to confirm the accuracy of these statements, and will inform the Court as to its findings.

This was followed up by a December 10th filing, in which the SEC stated;

The investigative firm the Commission engaged to locate an address for Grant and effect service of the Summons and Complaint on him in Jamaica has since confirmed to the Commission that the address it previously provided to the Commission for Grant was erroneous, and is associated with a different individual who shares the same first and last name, and middle initial, as Grant.

The Commission’s current information is that Grant is presently located in Jamaica, and it is undertaking to confirm his address, in order to effect service on him promptly.

The cited investigative firm is the firm the SEC employed. This would appear to rule out the possibility BitConnect’s Craig Grant hired a dodgy lawyer to pretend he was a different Craig Grant.

Based on our own analysis of Grant’s since deleted Jamaican YouTube videos, BehindMLM placed him in or around Christiana.

Christiana is a town in Manchester Parish, located in central Jamaica.

Spanish Town is in Jamaica’s east, approximately ten miles west of the capital Kingston.

Grant is still believed to be in central Jamaica but has since stopped uploaded to YouTube.