Emile Parfait Simb flees Cameroon, winds up in Russia?

Emile Parfait Simb, owner of the Liyeplimal Ponzi scheme, was arrested in Cameroon last month.

Cameroonian authorities apprehended Simb as he attempted to board a plane bound for Morocco.

Despite being charged with “serious fraud”, Simb was released on condition he hand over his passport.

Upon being released, Simb and his family promptly fled Cameroon. (Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.mp3)

Initial reports tracking Simb claimed he had fled to the Cenral African Republic. The latest is Simb turning up in Russia.

Simb fled Cameroon on June 5th. As reported by CamerounWeb on June 6th, Simb

took care to send his whole family to Senegal before fleeing to the Central African Republic, where he has special relations with the President of the Republic.

A follow up June 7th report from Actu Cameroun, quoting “whistleblower journalist Boris Bertolt, paints a pretty damning picture of Simb’s escape.

Sunday, June 5 in the afternoon, Emile Parfait Simb accompanied by a magistrate until the last police check took a flight for Bangui, thus escaping.

His final destination is probably Russia, where he hopes to escape the warrants of Interpol.

Before his trip, carefully prepared with the purchase of a last-minute plane ticket, at the airport, to avoid a report in the manifesto, it was Simb’s family, his wife and his children who had taken a flight in the morning. the same Sunday for Dakar in Senegal.

Simb is believed to have fleeced billions through his Global Investment Trading and Liyeplimal Ponzi schemes.

The money remains unaccounted for, although it seems some found its way into the hands of Cameroonian authorities.

If Simb has indeed fled to Russia, that’ll be last anyone sees of him. Personally I don’t know why he’d bother when Dubai sits between Cameroon and Russia.

Billions in crypto stashed, a few Sheiks paid off… Simb could easily spend the rest of his days living like a Ruja.

I doubt there’s going to be any follow ups on Liyeplimal and Simb but I’ll keep an eye open (and thanks to our readers who are following this case).