Laurie Suarez launches another crypto Ponzi

After receiving an abusive comment on one of BehindMLM’s articles covering the collapsed RBCG Bank Ponzi, I took it upon myself to see what Laurie Suarez has been up to.

Turns out after RBCG Bank, Suarez went on to launch another MLM crypto Ponzi scheme. Two of them actually.
Xeniumx provides no information about who owns or runs the company on its website.

For that information we have to dig into Xeniumx’s whitepaper:

There we learn Laurie Suarez is President of Xeniumx.

In the absence of any other corporate information, I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest Suarez also owns Xeniumx.

Just a note on Suarez’s Xeniumx corporate bio; the claim “since 2019” appears to be false.

Xeniumx’s original website domain (“”), was only registered in March 2020.

That domain now redirects to “”, registered two months later in May 2020.

The other domain attached to Xeniumx is “”, registered only recently in May 2021.

In conclusion, Xeniumx didn’t exist in 2019. What Suarez appears to be doing is trading off his previous Ponzi RBCG Bank.

To get into that we need to go back even further, to Suarez’s BehindMLM debut with The Berlin Group.

Suarez launched The Berlin Group on or around mid October 2018. It was his first MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.

The Berlin Group collapsed in December 2018. 2019 saw Suarez string along The Berlin Group victims through a number of reboot Ponzis.

First we had Recycle Bot, initially launched as a last ditch effort to keep The Berlin Group going. That lasted barely a few months.

Notably, Recycle Bot’s collapse prompted a racist rant from Suarez. Crude bogan abuse is a running theme with Suarez’s online ventures.

Suarez rebooted what was left of Recycle Bot as RB Global Crypto Bank.

RB Global Crypto Bank lasted about a month. At some point Suarez rebooted RB Global Crypto Bank as RBCG Bank.

As of October 2019, Suarez was threatening and abusing RBCG Bank victims.

That brings us full circle to Xeniumx’s launch in early 2020.

It was a low-effort launch, even by Suarez’s standards. Readers on BitcoinTalk were quick to point out Suarez had plagiarized the Xeniumx whitepaper.

XeniumX initially launched with XEMX ERC-20 tokens. That Ponzi pump and dump appears to have already collapsed.

Circa May or June 2021, Suarez rebooted Xeniumx with XEMXLink coin.

If you own XEMX (XeniumX) tokens, you can use XEMX token to swap and get XEMXLink Coins.

This introduces yet another website domain “”, hastily put together using Wix.

I believe the XEMXLink reboot is reason the original Xeniumx website domain was abandoned.

As it stands, Xeniumx is dead in the water.

The domain “” is a gateway to give Suarez money for XEMX tokens.

The domain “” is a gateway to give Suarez money for XEMXLink tokens.

As of early September, “” is supposed to be the public facing website for XEMXLink.

In addition to directly investing in XEMXLink, Suarez has fired up his trading bot script again over at “”.

XeniumFX awkwardly bundles VPS hosting with access to Suarez’s bot.

Pricing comes in at $30 to $110 a month.

This time around Suarez had dropped MLM in favor of a 5% single-level commission.

On the numbers side of things, the abandoned XEMX shitcoin is sitting at 0.3 cents ($0.003). $245 24H volume, much wow.

XEMXLink doesn’t have a USD value but its BTC trading value is your typical pump and dump trajectory:

Oh and naturally Suarez is hoping to get on the NFT bandwagon…

Looking forward, Suarez’s next move appears to be an XEMXLink branded ecommerce platform:

Maybe some XEMXLink eDuCaTiOn PaCkAgEs after that?

In summary, it seems nobody except Suarez and a few of his mates are pushing XEMXLink (or whatever it’s rebooted as tomorrow/next week/next month etc.).

I’m 99.9% sure the abusive comment that led to me looking into Suarez again was left by Suarez himself.

This article will probably have a few randoms from Queensland rock up too, swearing black and blue Suarez is the second coming of Christ.

reSince his The Berlin Group debut, Suarez has left behind a trail of financial destruction. XEMXLink and everything that before it was launched for one reason and one reason early: to transfer money from gullible investors to line Suarez and friend’s pockets.

If you’re not in that group, you’re going to lose money. And while you lose money you’ll have Suarez abusing and threatening you in his usual crass manner.

If you really get under his skin, Suarez might even feature you on his “The Block Talks” PR rag.

I get being greedy and chasing Ponzi riches. But if you want the abuse that comes with it there’s plenty of options.

Head down to the local pub and start a fight. Much cheaper.