MillionN social network with BTC cycler

GoDiamond provides no information about who owns or runs the company on its website.

GoDiamond’s website domain (“”), was first registered in 1997.

The private registration was last updated on May 22nd, 2021. This appears to be when the current owners took possession.

GoDiamond affiliate marketing began to appear on or around October 2021.

Alexa currently ranks top sources of traffic to GoDiamond’s website as Mexico (29%), the US (22%) and Gabon (9%).

There’s a good chance whoever’s running GoDiamond is from one of these countries.

GoDiamond is being marketed alongside MillionN, which operates from “”.

GoDiamond and MillionN appear to be clones of each other. GoDiamond appears to be the more prevalent of the two so that’s what I’ve focused on in this review.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

GoDiamond’s Products

GoDiamond has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market GoDiamond affiliate membership itself.

GoDiamond’s Compensation Plan

GoDiamond’s compensation plan touts vague passive advertising commissions.

Your members make money expanding your network.

You get 100% of the advertising revenue.

That will of course pay peanuts.

The real money in GoDiamond’s compensation plan lies in their Ponzi cycler.

Before we get into that, note that GoDiamond restricts withdrawals based on recruitment.

Regular GoDiamond affiliates are able to withdraw up to $200 a month per affiliate they’ve recruited.

Titanium Ambassadors are able to withdraw up to $500 a month per affiliate they’ve recruited.

Note that GoDiamond charges a 10% fee on all withdrawals.

3×3 Matrix Cycler

GoDiamond affiliates pay $297 to enter a five tier 3×3 matrix cycler.

A 3×3 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them.

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions)

The third level of the matrix is generated in the same manner and houses 27 positions.

Positions in the matrix are filled via subsequent $1100 purchases by directly and indirectly recruited GoDiamond affiliates.

When all positions in a 3×3 matrix are filled, a “cycle” is generated.

A cycle generates a new same-tier position and unlocks the next cycler tier.

  • cycling out of a $1100 tier 1 matrix generates a new tier 1 position and unlocks tier 2, subsequent cycles pay $1100 and generate a new tier 1 position
  • cycling out of a $4400 tier 2 matrix generates a new tier 2 position and unlocks tier 3, subsequent cycles pay $4400 and generate a new tier 2 position
  • cycling out of a $17,000 tier 3 matrix generates a new tier 3 position and unlocks tier 4, subsequent cycles pay $17,000 and generate a new tier 3 position
  • cycling out of a $70,000 tier 4 matrix generates a new tier 4 position and unlocks tier 5, subsequent cycles pay $70,000 and generate a new tier 4 position
  • cycling out of a $280,000 tier 5 matrix generates a new tier 5 position, subsequent cycles pay $280,000 and generate a new tier 5 position

Cycler Matching Bonus

Titanium Ambassadors earn a matching bonus when personally recruited affiliates cycle out of tiers 1 to 5.

  • earn $400 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles out of tier 1
  • earn $1600 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles out of tier 2
  • earn $6400 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles out of tier 3
  • earn $25,000 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles out of tier 4
  • earn $100,000 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles out of tier 5

Titanium Ambassador Recruitment Commissions

GoDiamond affiliates can pay an un $497 fee to qualify as a Titanium Ambassador.

Titanium Ambassadors receive $200 whenever someone in their downline signs up as a Titanium Ambassador.

Presumably this bonus is only paid out to the first upline Titanium Ambassador.

I.e. it is possible to earn $200 from any depth below you, provided there are no Titanium Ambassadors between you and the new recruit.

Joining GoDiamond

GoDiamond affiliate membership is $297.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity costs $497 for a Titanium Ambassadorship.

GoDiamond Conclusion

MLM social networks flop because nobody joins a social network to be spammed.

What you wind up with is a social network full of marketers, all pitching business opportunities (typically scams) to each other.

This has played out countless times. GoDiamond adds bitcoin to the equation and a Ponzi cycler.

With hundreds of thousands going to the few people who manage to cycle all five tiers (GoDiamond’s anonymous admins and a few early adopters), the social network is merely a ruse to mask fraud.

Get people in on the front-end for free, pretend they have a snowball’s chance in hell of earning $280,000, then hit them with fees. That’s the name of the game.

Through the cycler alone we can reduce GoDiamond to a $297/$497 in $372.500 out Ponzi scheme.

That’s 1255 $297 payments, 750 $497 payments or a combination of the two per tier 1 to 5 cycle.

I haven’t factored in the matching bonus, so the actual number of payments climbs even higher.

Each of those 750 to 1255 cycler positions then needs 750 to 1255 for them to cycle, and in just a few levels things become mathematically stupid.

Such is the math behind every Ponzi cycler. But hey, $280,000 no sweat. That’s the marketing.

As with all cycler Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up the matrices will start to stall.

Once enough matrices have stalled, an irreversible collapse is triggered.

This results in GoDiamond’s admin keeping funds trapped in stalled matrices, along with what they pull from their admin position(s).

The math behind Ponzi cyclers guarantees the majority of participants lose money.