We Share Abundance introduces pyramid to stave off collapse

After banning new buyers from cashing out final month, We Share Abundance’s newest ploy is a matrix-based pyramid scheme.

As per We Share Abundance’s “new matrix plan”, associates pays $10 a month.

90% of that’s used to pay pyramid commissions. Proprietor Graham Body retains the remaining 10%.

Associates who don’t pay this payment can be “deactivated from the system”. In the event that they don’t pay up, these accounts will then be “blocked”.

Of the 90% used to pay pyramid commissions, 30% ($1.80) is used to pay a direct referral fee.

The remaining $7.20 is paid out throughout a 3×10 matrix as follows:

  • degree 1 – 3 positions to fill, 70 cents per place crammed
  • degree 2 – 9 positions to fill, 93 cents per place crammed
  • degree 3 – 27 positions to fill, $1.01 per place crammed
  • degree 4 – 81 positions to fill, $1.03 per place crammed
  • degree 5 – 243 positions to fill, $1.04 per place crammed
  • degree 6 – 729 positions to fill, $1.04 per place crammed
  • degree 7 – 2187 positions to fill, $1.04 per place crammed
  • degree 8 – 6561 positions to fill, $1.04 per place crammed
  • degree 9 – 19,683 positions to fill, $1.04 per place crammed
  • degree 10 – 59,049 positions to fill, $1.04 per place crammed

Notice that whereas the above quantities are quoted in USD, it seems We Share Abundance pays commissions in WESA tokens.

We Share Abundance is a Ponzi scheme promising 50% a month. Returns are paid in WESA tokens, which proprietor Graham Body units the inner worth of.

Being a Ponzi scheme, Body (proper) can solely pay out what’s invested.

That’s a restricted pool to attract on, coupled with the inevitable tipping level when withdrawals exceed new funding.

Cue KYC, banning withdrawals and now a matrix pyramid scheme.

Sadly for Body math continues to be math, and Ponzi math is a zero-sum equation.

How for much longer We Share Abundance can maintain a 50% month-to-month ROI scheme stays to be seen.


Replace nineteenth Might 2021 – We Share Abundance has collapsed. Graham Body has introduced a Wesa Coin reboot.