Family First Life robocall class-action heads to mediation

The proposed Family First Life robocal fraud class-action has been referred to mediation.

A 2024 trial date has also been scheduled.

As part of an standard procedure to avoid a trial, the court referred the filed class-action to mediation on May 4th. Mediation proceedings will now play out between the parties.

A mediation hearing to update the court on how proceedings are going has been scheduled for October 13th.

On May 3rd a case management and scheduling order was made, penciling in a jury trial for April 1st, 2024.

The final update today is an April 13th Motion to Dismiss from defendants Family First Life. These don’t typically prevail in MLM related cases but are part of the judicial process.

Not expecting any significant updates going forward for a while, pending a potential settlement reached over the coming months.

I’ll continue to monitor the case docket for updates.