Royaltie AI marketing platform rebranded

Nowsite provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

In the footer of Nowsite’s website the following copyright text appears:

© 2021 Nowsite – Marketing. , Lodge Industries LLC & Hiram Lodge Enterprises Corp.

BehindMLM came across Hiram Lodge Enterprises Corp in our May 2017 Royaltie review.

Both Hiram Lodge Enterprises Corp and Royaltie are owned by Justin Belobaba.

Why this isn’t disclosed on Nowsite’s website is unclear.

The only place Belobaba’s name appears on Nowsite’s website is on the company’s training and events calendar:

On Facebook Nowsite goes by “Nowsite Royaltie”:

The page was renamed from Royaltie Now on to Royaltie Nowsite on July 2020. Royaltie Nowsite was renamed to Nowsite Royaltie on August 2020.

Royaltie launched in mid 2016. The MLM company’s flagship company was a gimmicky bluetooth marketing spam beacon.

That ran its course and in mid 2019 Belobaba unveiled a new AI driven marketing suite.

Nowsite, having ditched the Royaltie branding on its website, appears to be the current iteration of that original mid 2019 offering.

Read on for a full review of Nowsite’s MLM opportunity.

Nowsite’s Products

Nowsite markets a marketing suite they claim is “automated, integrated and AI-powered”.

Various components of the suite are broken up into different “nerd” categories:

The offering focuses on website creation, SEO, SMS marketing, social media management, blogging, email marketing, CRM and online advertising.

Access to Nowsite’s marketing platform is $47 a month of $444 annually ($37 a month).

Add-ons include:

  • 30 minute session with a “marketing nerd” – $30
  • creative services (people write your content for you) – “starting at $30”
  • SMS marketing bundle – $10 a month
  • additional email marketing (up to 15,000 emails a month) – $5 a month
  • retargeted ads (“keep your prospects coming back with online ads targeted exclusively at your website visitors”) – $12.50 a month
  • 10,000 ad package – $50
  • 25,000 ad package – $112.50
  • 50,000 ad package – $200

Nowsite’s Compensation Plan

Nowsite’s compensation plan pays on marketing suite subscriptions taken out by retail customers and recruited affiliates.

Nowsite Affiliate Ranks

There are six affiliate ranks within Nowsite’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Bronze – recruit and maintain one affiliate earning at least $100 a month
  • Silver – recruit and maintain two affiliates earning at least $100 a month each
  • Gold – recruit and maintain four affiliates earning at least $100 a month each
  • Platinum – recruit and maintain six affiliates earning at least $100 a month each
  • Sapphire – recruit and maintain nine affiliates earning at least $100 a month each
  • Diamond – recruit and maintain twelve affiliates earning at least $100 a month each

QuickStart Bonus

Nowsite affiliates earn a one-time $20 commission per “full-price” customer they refer.

Residual Commissions (restricted)

To qualify for restricted residual commissions, a Nowsite affiliate sell and maintain three subscriptions.

Nowsite pays restricted residual commissions down two levels of recruitment (unilevel).

Residual commissions are based on sales volume (BV) attached to Nowsite subscription payments.

  • $47 a month plan = $20 BV
  • $444 annual plan = $177.60 BV
  • add-ons = 15% of purchase price in BV

Residual commissions are calculated based on total BV generated across levels 1 and 2 of their unilevel team.

Note that residual commissions aren’t equal to the BV generated.

Rather, Nowsite affiliates are paid based on the highest residual commission tier generated BV triggers.

Nowsite’s residual commission tiers are:

  • $50
  • $100
  • $200
  • $400
  • $1000
  • $2000
  • $3000
  • $4000
  • $6000
  • $10,000
  • $16,000
  • $20,000 (BV over $20,000 paid at a rate of 75%)

E.g. If a Nowsite affiliate generated $2500 BV in a month, they would trigger the $2000 residual commission tier.

For that month that affiliate’s residual commission would thus be $2000.

Residual Commissions (unrestricted)

Whereas restricted residual commissions above are limited to two unilevel team levels, unrestricted commissions pay on total unilevel team volume – starting from level 3.

  • Gold ranked affiliates earn a 1.25% unrestricted residual commission rate
  • Platinum ranked affiliates earn a 2.5% unrestricted residual commission rate
  • Sapphire ranked affiliates earn a 5% unrestricted residual commission rate
  • Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 7.5% unrestricted residual commission rate

Joining Nowsite

NowSite affiliate costs are not disclosed on its website.

Justin Belobaba previously disclosed that Royaltie charged $4.95 a month for affiliate membership (January 2020).

Nowsite Conclusion

One positive for consumers since the Royaltie days is that Nowsite has slashed the pricing of access.

In January 2020 Royaltie was charging $87 to $327 a month. Nowsite’s $44 a month (less if annual) is pretty much half-price.

The compensation plan has also been simplified, although referring to associated affiliate costs as an investment probably isn’t compliant.

Unfortunately many of the issues we covered in our January 2020 Royaltie review persist in the Nowsite rebranding.

Justin Belobaba personally responded to these criticisms a few days post publication.

I maintain that being a faceless corporation is not a good look for an MLM company.

I couldn’t verify Belobaba’s claims pertaining to retail customers, nor can I today.

We most certainly do have a huge retail customer base. In fact, less than 10% of our customers are enrolled as affiliates.

What I can say is there are no retail customer qualifiers in Nowsite’s compensation plan.

When combined with the fact that historically marketing suite MLM company’s wind up full of affiliates who invariable use the suite to market the opportunity itself, I’m not convinced on Belobaba’s representation alone.

As a prospective Nowsite affiliate, the best you can hope for is to ask how many active retail subscriptions your potential upline has.

Next weigh that against how many affiliates they’ve recruited with active subscriptions.

What you’re looking for is a rough 1:1 ratio at least. If retail is lacking or is dwarfed by affiliate subscription volume, there’s a problem.

Belobaba is on the record stating 90% of Royaltie subscriptions were held by retail customers.

That was firstly in January 2020 and secondly, neither Royaltie or Nowsite ever published an Income Disclosure Statement (to the best of my knowledge).

One last thing I want to address was my raised criticism of Royaltie’s then webpage building service (that continues to be offered under Nowsite).

Here’s what I wrote on January 11th 2020;

Without digging to much deeper into Royaltie’s suite, the company offers a website building service.

Royaltie’s own website is built on WordPress, specifically the free JointsWP theme.

That’s not to rubbish WordPress (BehindMLM runs on WordPress) or suggest custom coding went into Royaltie’s website, it’s just not what I’d expect from a digital marketing company.

From the surface, it seems much of what’s available through Royaltie is template driven. Again, nothing wrong with that – but that’s not what Royaltie are pitching.

I’ll leave it there. If I’m missing something value-wise in Royaltie’s digital marketing offering though, let me know below.

In response to that, Justin Belobaba stated on January 14th;

Our website is in wordpress because we need a site with multiple tabs, and we have not yet built that capability into our own platform…but it’s coming soon.

Here’s the source-code of Nowsite’s website today, over a year and a half later:

Make of that what you will.