BizzTrade run by “thieves, lying bastards”, says top promoter

Fareha Qadri joined BizzTrade last September.

She quickly rose within the company and within a month was in marketing videos on BizzTrade’s official YouTube channel (BizzTrek).

On 30th May Qadri boasted of being promoted to Executive Director.

She stopped promoting BizzTrade shortly after that.

In a video uploaded to Facebook about a week ago, Qadri now claims she has been “fucked over” by BizzTrade and its executives.

Since getting “fucked over”, Qadri claims she’s “been doing a lot of research and a lot of reflection”. This includes “manic depression, Netflix bingeing (and) feeling sorry for (her)self”.

[0:46] It’s about time I think I opened up your eyes, and let you know firsthand experience of what’s going on.

So BizzCoin/BizzTrade, (a) bullshit shitcoin, as a lot of articles have said, are right.

I’m telling you first hand what kind of thieves, lying bastards these con artists are.

So who are these con artists?

[1:47] Rizwan Gohar, Rehan Gohar, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Dr Arslan Alvi – there’s so many names I could go. Haider Mustafa, who recruited me.

Let me tell you what kind of thieving bastards they are.

[2:05] Please do not, whatever you do, do not join that company.

[2:41] So these guys are fraudsters and I can tell you firsthand what kind of fraudsters they are.

Qadri doesn’t go into specifics but states she “has evidence” BizzTrade is a Ponzi scheme.

[5:37] All they’re doing is taking your money, they’re making money and in the end they’re giving you a couple of pennies.

Qadri states BizzTrade is “not even trading”.

In retaliation for her asking questions, Qadri claims BizzTrade “stole, froze and took” her “built up funds”.

BizzTrade executives also allegedly threatened Qadri with blackmail.

[3:00] They want to keep me quiet and not tell the truth about what they’re up to, what they’ve been doing and how they’ve been doing it.

[5:16] It’s not a good feeling to know you’ve been used. It’s not a good feeling to know they’ve stolen your money. It’s not a good thing to know that they’ve tried to blackmail me.

You know these are things that they are doing. And I have proof after proof, so I don’t speak out without proof.

[6:54] They’ve been sending me threatening letters in the post, and these are evidence, mind you.

Qadri claims she ignored BizzTrade’s red flags because she was “too trusting”. She also states BizzTrade is withholding withdrawal requests by hiding behind KYC.

Recently BizzTrade launched BizzCareer, a €5000 “bullshit course” that was initially marketed as a free bonus to BizzTrade affiliates who invested €5000 or more.

Qadri claims BizzTrade was her “first ever networking thing” and that she “learnt a lot from this experience”.

As of August 3rd, Qadri is promoting the Rapido Run Ponzi cycler.

Whatever lessons Qadri learnt from her time in BizzTrade, evidently all Ponzi schemes are scams wasn’t one of them.


Update 30th August 2020 – Fareha Quadri has reached out to request BehindMLM remove this article, under what appears to be threats of legal action.

Please note that I have withdrawn all my accustations,  and since the accustations can no longer be supported, I therefore requests that the above blog be removed.

Please respect my request. This is very very important to me from a legal point and consequence.

We denied the request.